Our team is committed to providing our customers with the best possible products and services.

We have a team of experts who are passionate about helping people look and feel their best. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality LED mirrors and the best possible customer care. We are always looking for ways to improve our products and services, and we are always happy to hear feedback from our customers.

We believe that our team is one of the best in the industry. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, and we believe that our team is dedicated to making that happen.

Here are some of the things that our team is committed to:

Providing high-quality LED mirrors.
Offering excellent customer care.
Listening to feedback from our customers.
Improving our products and services.

We believe that our team is essential to our success. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible products and services, and we believe that our team is the best in the industry to help us achieve that goal.


Vimla Raj


Vimla joined the team as a CEO to help manage the ever-expanding team, keep us all in check, ensure work gets delivered.


Somas K


Somas as the Operations Director, he oversees new business development, company communications, and studio operations.



Operations Head -Chennai

Once you accept there is always someone out there who is better than you, you can realize your own abilities.



Media Manager

Karthick is meant to be the man of creativity , his ideology towards media marketing is quite unique and his making is different.


Rangeela Saravanan

Admin Manager

Rangeela’s approach to life echoes as “Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh.

Our production department for manufacturing our high-quality LED mirrors

Our production department is made up of a team of experts who are passionate about creating the best possible LED mirrors. We are committed to using the highest quality materials and the latest manufacturing techniques to create mirrors that are both beautiful and functional. We are always looking for ways to improve our manufacturing process, and we are always happy to hear feedback from our customers.

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